Free printable banner letters that you can customize online and print at home. Two sizes are available.

Large Printable Letters for Banners
One Letter Per Page
Six colors available

Small Printable Banner Letters
20 Letters Per Page
Eight colors available
Large Printable Letters for Banners
Free printable alphabet letters for banners with one letter per page.
Select Color:
Either create all letters in the same color or mix and match to create a more colorful banner. If you are creating the banner for a party or wedding with a specific color scheme then you will probably want to use those colors only. We have more designs available on this site.
If you want to hang your banner outside and are expecting rain then you might want to laminate each letter so that it lasts longer.
Laminating the banner will also enable you to use it year after year if you prefer not to create a new banner each time you have a party or want to wish someone a happy birthday.
Happy Birthday Banner Printable
To make a Happy Birthday banner printable select a birthday banner template. There are a few different designs and colors on this page.
Edit each letter to create happy birthday printable letters. Start with the letter “H” and create each letter until “Y” (H-A-P-P-Y B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y).
Cut out each letter of the printable birthday banner.
Small Printable Banner Letters
We have additional templates that can be used with our free printable banner maker.
How to Create Free Printable Banners
Create free banners in 6 different colors. Use our free printable banner maker to change the text and write whatever you want. Create a flag for each letter. Either make all letters in the same color or mix and match according to your color scheme. Punch two holes on the top and hang it with string or a long ribbon. You can also fold the top over the string instead of punching holes.
How to create these flag cake toppers using our triangle banner template
- Printer
- Scissors
- Hot glue
- String
- Click here to open the triangle banner template with no letters. Click on the templates above to print with your custom letters.
- Choose the color that you would like to use depending on your color scheme. You can also mix and match.
- Cut out the flags that you want to use. You can use more than 3 if you prefer.
- Cut the string according to the size of your cake.
- Connect the string to the sticks.
- Apply hot glue and adhere the flags.
- Insert the cake topping into the cake.
Tip: These triangle banner templates can be used for many different purposes.
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